
A round of applause by the people, for the MIFF people



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2 responses to “Dishevelevel

  1. Tom Hardy

    The movie ‘Locke’ is driven by a bastard’s (literal meaning) uncompromising decision to be present at the birth of his child to a women outside his marriage.

    Shot entirely in the car of Ivan Locke, who is on his way to the hospital, the movie comprises a series of phone calls between Lock and his wife (to whom he confesses is infidelity), his son (who senses the tension between Lock and his mother and begs for his dad to come home), his colleagues at work (from which he is subsequently sacked), and the soon to be mother of his child (who is distraught and anxious for Locke to arrive immediately).

    In between calls, and to music composed by Dickon Hinchliffe, the audience is pulled into the gradual, but powerful, breakdown of Ivan lock as the reality of losing his family and job overcomes him.

    The movie ends with Locke continuing on the highway to the hospital, after answering a call to the new born cries of his baby. It was a ending of relief (or perhaps, release) for both Lock and the audience at this year’s Melbourne International Film Festival.

    MIFF people.


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